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Lucrezia and Cesare


Two lovers engrossed in an erotic game in which they alternately caress and desecrate each other with words. Motivated equally by longing and boredom, they must perpetually evoke new fantasies in order to resurrect their love.

"Word for word — perhaps the most impressive new play to appear on our stages this year. Bar none."

Chris Boyd, Herald Sun


Text - Raimondo Cortese
Director - Jason Blake, Adriano Cortese

Performers - Zoe Burton, Adriano Cortese, Emma Strand, David Treddinick

Set design - Ben Anderson, Jason Blake

Lighting design - Lisa Trewin

Costume design - Jaqueline Everitt

Production Manager - Cathy Reid



1998 - Theatre Works, St Kilda

1998 - Bendigo Regional Arts Theatre

1998 - West Gippsland Arts Centre, Warragul

1998 - Geelong Performing Arts Centre

1998 - Drama Theatre, Monash University Performing Arts Centre

1998 - Warnambool Performing Arts Centre

1998 - Hothouse Theatre, Wodonga

1994 - Napier St Theatre, South Melbourne


1994 – Green Room nomination for Best New Australian Play



The Australian Government through its arts funding and advisory body the Australia Council for the Arts; The Victorian Government through Arts Victoria; Director's Cut Victorian regional touring program



Lucrezia and Cesare by Raimondo Cortese, Red Door Publications, Australian

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